Arturia microbrute
Arturia microbrute

arturia microbrute

However, playing a synthesizer is more than just playing some notes on a keyboard and recalling someone else’s presets. We’ve had so much fun with MicroBrute: Now it’s your turn. Tiny in size, tiny in price, huge in sound, and vast in potential.

arturia microbrute

Hook up to your Drumtracks, open your door, and play a whole gig. Hook up to your DAW and make whole tracks. Give your modular a new LFO and Envelope Generator. Not only does MicroBrute give you the means to create, perform and be completely original every time you power up, it does it with astounding sound quality. No presets, no menus, nothing to get between you and the ability to sculpt your sound live. And if you’re a synth veteran, we think it won’t have escaped your attention that MicroBrute is also a seriously capable semi-modular sequence-able beast.

arturia microbrute

If you’re new to synths, you’re looking at one of the easiest to use and most unique-sounding synthesizers we think money can buy. With a 100% pure analog voice path and advanced interconnectability via MIDI, USB, CV/ GATE, this machine is a true powerhouse synthesizer that takes your sound to a new level. The MicroBrute was designed to be small but still retain an amazing sound quality. Packed with mixable waveforms, a new sub-oscillator design, the famous Steiner-Parker multimode filter, a super-fast envelope, a syncable LFO, our new step sequencer and a patchable mod matrix, the MicroBrute is a landmark new synth at an incredible price. MicroBrute is a pure analog sonic powerhouse of a synth.

Arturia microbrute